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Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone replacement therapy, or HRT, is a type of medication that is used to help treat certain conditions in women. This type of therapy involves using hormones to replace the hormones that are no longer being produced by the body.
two capsules

What is Hormone Replacement Therapy

As women age, the levels of certain hormones in their bodies begin to decline. This can cause problems, including hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, mood swings, and vaginal dryness.

Hormone replacement therapy is a type of treatment that helps to restore the levels of these hormones in the body.

Treatment Options Available

There are a variety of treatment options available for women needing hormone replacement therapy. Most common include creams, gels, capsules, and suppositories. Bayview Pharmacy offers a wide range of treatments to meet the specific needs of each patient.

Vaginal Creams and Gels

Estradiol (E2) and Estriol (E3) are two types of estrogen hormones. Estrogen is a hormone that is important for the health of a woman's body. It helps to regulate the menstrual cycle, keep bones healthy, and maintain vaginal tissue.

Vaginal creams that contain estradiol and estriol are used to treat certain conditions in women who are going through hormone replacement therapy.

These creams help to replace the estrogen that is no longer being produced by the body. They can help to reduce the symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness.

Vaginal Suppositories

Vaginal suppositories are a type of treatment used to help restore the levels of hormones in a woman's body. This type of treatment is inserted into the vagina, and it helps to replace the estrogen that is no longer being produced by the body.

Vaginal suppositories can help to reduce the symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness.

These suppositories are usually compounded using Progesterone or Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). Progesterone can be used to treat conditions such as endometriosis and uterine fibroids. DHEA is a type of hormone that is produced by the body. It helps to regulate the body's metabolism and immune system.


Capsules compounded in our state-of-the-art compounding laboratories are also a very popular option for women treating their menopause symptoms.

The active ingredients used are Progesterone, Bi-Est, Tri-Est, Estradiol, and Estriol.


Bi-Est is a hormone replacement therapy that uses two different estrogen hormones, 80% Estriol (E3) and 20% Estradiol (E2). These hormones help to replace the estrogen that is no longer being produced by the body.


Tri-Est is similar to Bi-Est but adds 10% Estrone (E1) to the formulation. Estrone (E1) is a type of estrogen hormone. Estrogen is a hormone that is important for the health of a woman's body. It helps to regulate the menstrual cycle, keep bones healthy, and maintain vaginal tissue.

How is HRT Diagnosed?

HRT is typically diagnosed based on a woman's symptoms. If a woman is experiencing symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, mood swings, and vaginal dryness, she may be a candidate for hormone replacement therapy.

Her doctor will likely perform a physical exam and take a medical history to determine if she is a good candidate for treatment. The doctor may also order blood tests to measure the levels of certain hormones in the body.

How Does HRT Work?

Hormone replacement therapy uses synthetic hormones to replace the ones that are no longer produced by the body. These synthetic hormones can be taken in different ways, including pills, patches, creams, or gels.

The specific method of delivery will be determined by your doctor based on your individual needs.

What Are The Benefits Of HRT?

There are several potential benefits associated with hormone replacement therapy. For some women, this type of treatment can help to relieve the symptoms of menopause.

In addition, hormone replacement therapy can also help to reduce the risk of osteoporosis and heart disease.

Are There Any Risks Associated With HRT?

As with any type of medication, there are always risks involved. Some potential risks associated with hormone replacement therapy include blood clots, stroke, and breast cancer.

It is important to speak with your doctor about all of the potential risks before starting this type of treatment.

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