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Compounding Services


If you are experiencing an eye condition and needs treatment, come to Bayview Pharmacy for our custom compounded ophthalmology medications.
two capsules

What is Ophthalmology

Ophthalmology is a medical specialty that deals with the diseases and disorders of the eye. At Bayview Pharmacy, we offer custom compounded ophthalmology medications to meet the needs of your patients. Our experienced pharmacists and technicians utilize compounding techniques to provide the highest quality medicines explicitly tailored to each patient's needs.

We understand that every patient has unique needs, and our compounding services allow us to create medications in various strengths, dosages, and forms. Our team works closely with your doctor to ensure you receive the highest quality medications possible. We provide customized solutions tailored to meet each patient's specific needs that may be difficult or impossible to obtain through traditional methods.

Our ophthalmology medications can treat many conditions, including myopia, dry eye syndrome, glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, corneal ulcers, and more.

If you are experiencing an eye condition and needs treatment, come to Bayview Pharmacy for our custom compounded ophthalmology medications. Our experienced team is here to provide you with the highest quality medications made in our state-of-the-art walk-in sterile laboratory by a pharmacist.

Treatment Options Available

Many treatment options are available for individuals affected by ophthalmology conditions.

Eye Drops

Eye drops are the most common treatment option for various eye conditions. We offer custom compounded eye drops compounded in our sterile laboratory by our experienced pharmacists. These eye drops treat various fungal infections, inflammation, and more.

Atropine eye drops are a type of eye drop used to dilate the pupil. This allows for a better view of the inside of the eye and can help diagnose and treat certain eye conditions. Atropine eye drops are also used to treat certain allergies and can help to relieve symptoms such as itchy eyes.

We offer atropine eye drops for many of our patients, working with their physicians to ensure that they are receiving the correct dose and preventing myopic progression and other conditions.

Contact lenses

Contact lenses are another common treatment option for various eye conditions. There are several types of contact lenses, including soft contact lenses and hard contact lenses.

Soft Contact Lens

Soft contact lenses are made from flexible plastic and fit over the cornea. They are the most common type of contact lens and are available in several different prescriptions. Hard contact lenses are made from a stiffer plastic and fit over the entire surface of the eye. They are not as common as soft contact lenses and can be more difficult to wear.

Soft contact lenses are made from flexible plastic and fit over the cornea. They are the most common type of contact lens and are available in several different prescriptions. Soft contact lenses are available in several prescriptions, including regular, toric, and multifocal.

Regular soft contact lenses correct nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Toric soft contact lenses are used to correct astigmatism. Multifocal soft contact lenses are used to correct presbyopia, which causes loss of near vision.

Hard Contact Lens

Hard contact lenses are made from a stiffer plastic and fit over the entire surface of the eye. They are not as common as soft contact lenses and can be more difficult to wear. Hard contact lenses can correct nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.

If you are considering a contact lens as a treatment option, be sure to discuss all of your options with your doctor. He or she will be able to help you choose the best type of contact lens for your needs.

Eye Glasses

Another treatment option is to wear glasses.  Glasses come in many shapes and sizes and can correct many vision problems.  They can also be used with different types of lenses, such as progressive lenses and bifocal lenses. Many individuals wear glasses before they are ready for compounded treatment options or surgery solutions.

Refractive Surgery

Refractive surgery is a type of surgery that is used to correct vision problems. It can be used to correct nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. There are several types of refractive eye surgery, including LASIK surgery, PRK surgery, and RK surgery.

LASIK Surgery

LASIK surgery is the most common type of refractive surgery. During LASIK surgery, a laser is used to reshape the cornea. This can correct vision problems caused by nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.

PRK Surgery

Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK) surgery is a type of LASIK surgery that does not require the creation of a flap in the cornea. This makes it a good option for thin or delicate corneas.

RK Surgery

RK surgery is a type of LASIK surgery that uses radial keratotomy to correct vision problems.

If you are considering eye surgery, be sure to discuss all of your options with your eye doctor. He or she will be able to help you choose the best type of surgery for your needs. We do not offer refractive surgery.

Myopia Treatment

Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is a condition that causes blurry vision when looking at objects that are far away. Myopia is the most common eye disorder, affecting approximately one-third of the world's population. It is caused by an elongation of the eyeball, which causes light to focus in front of the retina instead of directly on it. Atropine eye drops are found to slow myopia progression or to prevent children from developing myopia altogether in some cases.

Children and Myopia

Younger children suffering from myopia can be treated with custom compounded atropine eye drops. Our sterile laboratory-compounded atropine eye drops are available in various concentrations and formulations, slowing myopia progression and degenerative myopia so they can keep their clear vision.

Myopia in children has always been a  concern for parents, but it is especially important in this day and age of digital devices. The use of these devices has been linked to a higher risk of developing myopia in children, so it is important to be mindful of their screen time and make sure they are still having enough outdoor activities such as sports or exploring nature.

Progression of Myopia

Myopia progresses differently for adults and children. For children, myopia tends to progress rapidly during the early teenage years. This is because the eye is still growing and changing, resulting in a more elongated shape.

As a child's eye grows and matures, myopia usually stabilizes and may even regress somewhat. For adults, myopia usually progresses more slowly and may not change at all after a certain age.

Myopia progression can be slowed with custom compounded atropine eye drops. Our sterile laboratory-compounded atropine eye drops are available in various concentrations and formulations, slowing myopia progression and degenerative myopia so they can keep their clear vision.

Your Ophthalmology Compounding Pharmacy of Choice

At Bayview Pharmacy, we strive to provide the highest quality ophthalmology medications tailored to each individual's needs. Our experienced pharmacists and technicians use the latest compounding techniques and equipment to ensure our patients receive the best remedies available.

With our customized solutions and personalized care, you can rest assured you are receiving the best treatment possible. Contact us today for more information on how we can help treat your condition!

To learn more about our custom compounded ophthalmology medications or if you have any questions, please call or text us at (401-284-4505). We look forward to helping you find a solution that works for you!

Explore the Bayview Blog

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Understanding the Basics of Nutrition: A Guide for Newbies to Eating Healthy

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Each patient has their own story and their own personalized compounded medication plan. Now it's your turn.