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Aloe Vera 0.3%/Verapamil HCl 10% Topical Gel

This Aloe Vera 0.3%/Verapamil HCl 10% Topical Gel is a semisolid formulation dispensed through a pump mechanism. It is designed for easy and precise application on the skin, providing targeted treatment with its active ingredients in a gel-like consistency. The Aloe Vera component offers soothing properties, while the Verapamil HCl serves as a calcium channel blocker. This combination is commonly used to treat conditions such as Peyronie's disease, plantar fibromatosis, and Dupuytren's contracture. The gel formulation allows for direct application to the affected area, promoting efficient absorption and localized effect.

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Topical Gel
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Formula Information

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This formulation combines Aloe Vera 0.3% and Verapamil HCl 10% in a topical gel format. Aloe Vera, known for its soothing and healing properties, works to calm the skin and promote healing. Verapamil HCl, on the other hand, is a calcium channel blocker that is commonly used to treat high blood pressure and other heart conditions. In a topical gel format, it can be used to treat conditions such as Peyronie's disease and plantar fibromatosis, where it works by breaking down the excess collagen that causes the formation of fibrous plaques or nodules.

The gel is dispensed through a pump mechanism, which allows for easy and precise application on the skin. This ensures that the active ingredients are delivered directly to the affected area, providing targeted treatment and promoting efficient absorption. The gel-like consistency also makes the formulation easy to spread and absorb, while minimizing any potential mess or waste.

Patients using this formulation should apply it as directed by their healthcare provider, typically once or twice daily. It's important to wash hands before and after application, and to avoid contact with eyes, mouth, and other mucous membranes. As with any medication, potential side effects may include skin irritation or sensitivity. If these or any other unusual symptoms occur, contact your healthcare provider immediately.

Prescribers considering this formulation for their patients should be aware of its potential interactions with other medications, particularly those that affect heart function or blood pressure. Regular monitoring may be necessary to ensure the medication is working effectively and safely. As always, it's important to consider the patient's overall health status, other medications, and personal preferences when deciding on a treatment plan.

If you have any questions about this formulation, or if you need further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our team of knowledgeable compounding pharmacists at Bayview Pharmacy is always here to help.

Drug Interactions

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Verapamil HCl is a calcium channel blocker that is used to treat conditions such as high blood pressure, angina (chest pain), and certain heart rhythm disorders. Aloe Vera is a plant extract known for its soothing and healing properties. When combined in a topical gel, these two ingredients can provide targeted treatment for certain skin conditions.

However, it's important to be aware of potential drug interactions. Verapamil HCl can interact with a number of other medications, potentially altering their effects or increasing side effects. These include other blood pressure medications, heart medications, and certain types of antidepressants and antipsychotics. It can also interact with grapefruit and grapefruit juice, which can increase the amount of verapamil in your bloodstream and increase the risk of side effects.

Aloe Vera, while generally considered safe, can interact with certain medications as well. These include insulin or other diabetes medications, as aloe vera can lower blood sugar levels and potentially cause hypoglycemia. It can also interact with certain types of laxatives, diuretics, and steroids.

It's important to tell your doctor about all medications, supplements, and herbal products you are currently taking before starting treatment with this formulation. This includes over-the-counter medications and products. Your doctor can help you understand the potential risks and benefits, and can monitor you for side effects and interactions.

While this formulation is designed for topical use, it's still possible for the active ingredients to be absorbed into the bloodstream, especially if used over large areas of skin or for extended periods of time. Therefore, it's important to use this product as directed by your healthcare provider, and to monitor for potential side effects or interactions.

If you have any questions about this formulation, or if you experience any side effects or interactions, please reach out to us. We are here to help and provide you with the information you need to use this product safely and effectively.

How Does it Work

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The Aloe Vera 0.3%/Verapamil HCl 10% Topical Gel is a unique formulation that combines the healing properties of Aloe Vera with the therapeutic benefits of Verapamil HCl. This formulation is designed to be applied topically, directly onto the skin, where it can be absorbed into the body to provide targeted treatment.

Aloe Vera, a plant known for its healing and soothing properties, is used in this formulation at a concentration of 0.3%. When applied to the skin, Aloe Vera can help to soothe irritation, reduce inflammation, and promote healing. It also has moisturizing properties, which can help to keep the skin hydrated and healthy.

Verapamil HCl, on the other hand, is a calcium channel blocker. It works by relaxing the muscles of your heart and blood vessels. In a concentration of 10%, it is used in this formulation to treat conditions such as hypertension, angina (chest pain), and certain heart rhythm disorders. When applied topically, Verapamil HCl can be absorbed into the skin and into the bloodstream, where it can exert its therapeutic effects.

The gel is dispensed through a pump mechanism, which allows for easy and precise application. This ensures that the correct amount of medication is applied each time, reducing the risk of overuse or underuse. The gel-like consistency of the formulation also makes it easy to spread on the skin, ensuring that the active ingredients are evenly distributed.

This formulation is designed to treat a variety of disease states. The anti-inflammatory properties of Aloe Vera can help to reduce inflammation and promote healing in conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, and other skin conditions. Meanwhile, the therapeutic effects of Verapamil HCl can help to manage conditions such as hypertension, angina, and certain heart rhythm disorders.

As compounding pharmacists, we are committed to providing high-quality, personalized medications to meet the unique needs of each patient. If you have any questions about the Aloe Vera 0.3%/Verapamil HCl 10% Topical Gel, or if you would like to learn more about how it works, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to help.

Other Uses

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In addition to its recognized use, Aloe Vera 0.3%/Verapamil HCl 10% Topical Gel may have potential benefits for other conditions due to its active ingredients. Verapamil HCl, as a calcium channel blocker with anti-hypertrophic and anti-fibrotic effects, may show potential benefits in the management of conditions such as Peyronie's disease and Dupuytren's contracture. It may aid in reducing plaque size and mitigating the progression of the disease. Studies have also suggested potential benefits in hypertrophic scar and keloid treatment, providing patients with an alternative to surgical intervention.

On the other hand, Aloe Vera in the formulation may contribute to additional skin health benefits. With its known anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties, Aloe Vera may enhance the wound healing process, potentially assisting with conditions such as psoriasis, herpes labialis, and seborrheic dermatitis. Additionally, due to Aloe Vera's moisturizing and soothing effects, it can be beneficial for those struggling with dry or irritated skin.

As a cream-based formulation, it provides a targeted approach to medication application, reducing systemic side effects commonly associated with oral administration of verapamil. The application is non-invasive, easy, and precise, allowing the patient to self-administer the medication. However, it is important to note that this formulation's effectiveness for these other uses needs further research and investigation.

It's important that patients and prescribers be aware of the potential uses beyond recognized ones in order to maximize the benefits and versatility of this formulation. We remind you, however, that such off-label uses should always be discussed with a healthcare professional before initiating treatment to ensure its applicability and suitability to the specific patient's circumstances.

Please reach out to us with any queries and for any further information. As a team of experienced compounding pharmacists, we strive to provide comprehensive information and assistance to both patients and prescribers, contributing to a personalized and effective therapeutic approach.

Frequently Asked Questions

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What is Aloe Vera 0.3%/Verapamil HCl 10% Topical Gel?

It's a compounded formulation that combines the healing properties of Aloe Vera and benefits of Verapamil HCl. This medication is in semisolid form and is dispensed via a pump mechanism for precise application.

How does the pump mechanism work?

The pump mechanism facilitates easy and accurate application of the gel on the skin. Each press of the pump dispenses the optimal amount of gel, ensuring a consistent dose with each use.

What is the gel-like consistency used for?

The gel-like consistency helps in targeted treatment or absorption of the active ingredients on the skin. It ensures that the medication stays at the location of application and gets absorbed efficiently.

What is the purpose of Aloe Vera in this formulation?

Aloe Vera is known for its soothing and healing properties. In this formulation, it serves to reduce skin irritation and promote skin repair, enhancing the effectiveness of Verapamil HCl.

What is the role of Verapamil HCl in this gel?

Verapamil HCl is a calcium channel blocker that is effective for treatment of various medical conditions. In this gel formulation, it works locally on the area of skin where it's applied.

Is the formulation easy to use?

Yes, the formulation is designed for easy use. The pump mechanism allows you to accurately apply a required amount of gel directly on the skin.

Should I touch the gel directly with my hands during application?

It is not recommended unless necessary as it could lead to uneven application. Always ensure your hands are clean if direct contact is made to prevent any contamination of the gel.

Can I apply this gel anywhere on my body?

It's to be applied as per the direction of your healthcare professional. As a general rule, avoid application on open wounds or irritated skin, and in the eyes, nose, or mouth.

What should I do in case of any side-effects?

If you experience any side-effects, you must report them to your healthcare professional immediately. Detailed information regarding potential side-effects should be available in the product's accompanying leaflet.

How should I store this compounded formulation?

You should store this medication at room temperature, away from heat, light, and moisture. Always keep it in an upright position to ensure the pump mechanism functions properly.

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Formulas and/or material listed are not to be interpreted as a promise, guarantee or claim of therapeutic efficacy or safety. The information contained herein is not intended to replace or substitute for conventional medical care, or encourage its abandonment. Every patient is unique, and formulas should be adjusted to meet their individual needs.
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