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Aluminum Chloride 20% Topical Gel

Aluminum Chloride 20% Topical Gel is a semisolid formulation designed for easy and precise application on the skin. Dispensed through a pump mechanism, this gel-like consistency product allows for targeted treatment or absorption of the active ingredient, Aluminum Chloride. This formulation is primarily used to treat hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), bromhidrosis (unpleasant odor from sweat), and other related conditions.

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Topical Gel
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Formula Information

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Aluminum Chloride 20% Topical Gel is a specially formulated semisolid preparation designed for easy and precise application on the skin. The gel is dispensed through a pump mechanism, ensuring a controlled and targeted treatment. The active ingredient, Aluminum Chloride, is suspended in a gel-like consistency, which aids in its absorption into the skin.

Aluminum Chloride is a potent astringent, which means it has the ability to shrink or constrict body tissues. In a 20% concentration, it is particularly effective in treating a range of dermatological conditions. It works by blocking the sweat glands, thereby reducing excessive sweating, a condition known as hyperhidrosis. This makes it a valuable treatment option for individuals suffering from this often embarrassing and uncomfortable condition.

Furthermore, Aluminum Chloride 20% Topical Gel is also used in the treatment of other skin conditions such as warts, calluses, and certain types of chronic skin ulcers. It works by creating a protective barrier on the skin, which aids in the healing process and prevents further damage or infection.

It is important to note that while Aluminum Chloride 20% Topical Gel is a powerful and effective treatment, it should be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional. Patients should ensure they follow the prescribed dosage and application instructions to avoid potential side effects such as skin irritation or allergic reactions. As with all medications, it is crucial to inform your healthcare provider of any other medications or skin products you are currently using to avoid potential interactions.

At Bayview Pharmacy, we are a team of knowledgeable compounding pharmacists dedicated to providing you with the highest quality of care. If you have any questions about Aluminum Chloride 20% Topical Gel or any other medication, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to help.

Drug Interactions

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Aluminum Chloride 20% Topical Gel is primarily used to treat hyperhidrosis, a condition characterized by excessive sweating. It works by blocking the sweat glands, thereby reducing the amount of perspiration produced. This formulation is designed for direct application to the skin, allowing for targeted treatment of specific areas.

While Aluminum Chloride 20% Topical Gel is generally safe for use, it's important to be aware of potential drug interactions. This medication may interact with other topical products applied to the same area, potentially altering the absorption or effectiveness of either product. Therefore, it's recommended to avoid using other topical treatments on the same area unless directed by a healthcare provider.

Additionally, Aluminum Chloride 20% Topical Gel may interact with certain oral medications. For instance, anticholinergic drugs used to treat various conditions such as Parkinson's disease, COPD, and overactive bladder, may increase the risk of side effects if used concurrently with Aluminum Chloride 20% Topical Gel. This is because both medications work by blocking certain nerve impulses, potentially leading to an additive effect.

It's also important to note that Aluminum Chloride 20% Topical Gel should not be used on broken or irritated skin, as this may increase the risk of systemic absorption and potential side effects. If you have any skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis, consult with your healthcare provider before using this product.

As with any medication, it's crucial to inform your healthcare provider of all the medications you're currently taking, including prescription drugs, over-the-counter products, and dietary supplements. This will help ensure the safe and effective use of Aluminum Chloride 20% Topical Gel.

If you have any questions or concerns about using Aluminum Chloride 20% Topical Gel, don't hesitate to reach out to us at Bayview Pharmacy. Our team of compounding pharmacists is always here to provide you with the information and support you need.

How Does it Work

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Aluminum Chloride 20% Topical Gel works by altering the sweat production process in the body. Aluminum chloride, the active ingredient in this formulation, is a powerful astringent. When applied to the skin, it interacts with the water in the sweat glands to form a gel plug that blocks sweat from reaching the skin's surface. This effectively reduces the amount of sweat that is produced in the treated areas.

This formulation is particularly effective in treating hyperhidrosis, a condition characterized by excessive sweating. By blocking the sweat glands, Aluminum Chloride 20% Topical Gel can significantly reduce the symptoms of this condition, providing relief for patients. It is also used to treat other conditions where excessive sweating is a symptom, such as menopause or certain types of medication side effects.

The gel formulation allows for easy and precise application, ensuring that the active ingredient is delivered directly to the affected area. The pump mechanism allows for controlled dispensing, reducing the risk of over-application. This is particularly important as over-application can lead to skin irritation or other side effects.

It's important to note that while Aluminum Chloride 20% Topical Gel is effective in managing excessive sweating, it does not cure the underlying cause of the condition. Therefore, it should be used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan under the guidance of a healthcare provider.

As with any medication, it's important to use Aluminum Chloride 20% Topical Gel as directed by your healthcare provider. If you have any questions about this formulation or how to use it, please reach out to us at Bayview Pharmacy. Our team of knowledgeable compounding pharmacists is always here to help.

Other Uses

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Aluminum Chloride 20% Topical Gel is primarily utilized as an antiperspirant in the management of hyperhidrosis, excessive sweating that typically affects the palms, soles, and underarms. Although this is its direct and primary use, Aluminum Chloride 20% Topical Gel also finds use in other capacities due to its astringent properties.

It's used in dermatology for superficial skin lesions such as those seen in keratosis pilaris. By tightening up the proteins in the skin, it aids in making the skin smoother and reducing the appearance of bumps. Additionally, it can be used to prevent the oozing of blood and serum from minor skin abrasions and puncture wounds, making it useful in the early stages of wound management.

Furthermore, Aluminum Chloride 20% Topical Gel can also be employed during minor surgical procedures like biopsies to control and cease capillary bleeding. It achieves this by contracting the blood vessels to slow down blood flow, thereby acting as a type of topical hemostatic agent.

It's important, however, to note that while it does have these alternative uses, Aluminum Chloride 20% Topical Gel should always be used under the guidance and direction of a healthcare professional. It's also essential that users are aware that the gel should not be applied on irritated or broken skin, and should be kept away from the eyes and mouth.

If you have any additional questions or concerns about Aluminum Chloride 20% Topical Gel and its uses, we encourage you to reach out to us at Bayview Pharmacy. Our team of knowledgeable compounding pharmacists is always ready to provide guidance and support to ensure the safe and effective use of this formulation.

Frequently Asked Questions

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What is Aluminum Chloride 20% Topical Gel?

Aluminum Chloride 20% Topical Gel is a semisolid formulation that contains 20% Aluminum Chloride. It is readily dispensed via a pump mechanism, for easy and precise application on the skin.

What is the consistency of this Aluminum Chloride 20% Topical Gel?

It has a gel-like consistency, which helps to ensure a smooth application and promote absorption of active ingredients into your skin.

How should this gel be applied?

The gel should be applied directly to the skin in the affected area. It is dispensed through a pump mechanism for targeted treatment, ensuring easy and precise application.

Why is there a pump mechanism in this product?

The pump mechanism helps in the easy dispensation of the gel. It facilitates precise application ensuring that only the required quantity of the gel is used.

Can this gel be used for targeted treatment?

Yes, the gel is created for targeted treatment or absorption of active ingredients into the skin. Hence, you can apply it directly to the affected area of your skin.

Is this gel recommended for all skin types?

As the formulation and ingredients may differ, it's advised to perform a patch test or consult your dermatologist, especially if you have sensitive skin, before using any topical treatment.

Is Aluminum Chloride 20% Topical Gel safe to use?

Yes, generally Aluminum Chloride 20% Topical Gel is considered safe for external use. However, in case of discomfort, redness, itching, or other adverse reactions, discontinue use and consult a medical professional.

What if this gel accidentally comes in contact with my eyes?

If accidental contact occurs, wash your eyes thoroughly with water and seek medical advice if irritation persists.

Should I apply the gel more often for quicker results?

No, you should follow the recommended usage instructions or those given by your healthcare provider. Overuse can lead to skin irritation or other adverse reactions.

Is there any special storage condition required for this gel?

It's recommended to store the Aluminum Chloride 20% Topical Gel in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, unless stated differently on the product label.

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Formulas and/or material listed are not to be interpreted as a promise, guarantee or claim of therapeutic efficacy or safety. The information contained herein is not intended to replace or substitute for conventional medical care, or encourage its abandonment. Every patient is unique, and formulas should be adjusted to meet their individual needs.
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