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Cefixime 100 mg/5 mL Oral Liquid (Dye Free)

Cefixime 100 mg/5 mL Oral Liquid (Dye Free) is a specially formulated medication designed for oral administration. This liquid formulation provides a convenient and easily ingested dosage form, ensuring accurate delivery of the medication. It is particularly beneficial for individuals who find swallowing solid dosage forms challenging, such as pediatric and geriatric populations.

The primary function of this formulation is to treat various disease states. Cefixime is a cephalosporin antibiotic, which works by stopping the growth of bacteria. It is used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections including pneumonia, bronchitis, ear infections, urinary tract infections, and sexually transmitted infections.

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Oral Liquid
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Formula Information

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Cefixime 100 mg/5 mL Oral Liquid (Dye Free) is a specially formulated medication designed for oral administration. This liquid formulation provides a convenient and easily ingested dosage form, ensuring accurate delivery of the medication. It is particularly beneficial for patients who find swallowing solid dosage forms challenging, such as children and the elderly.

Cefixime is a cephalosporin antibiotic, which works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections and will not work for viral infections. It is commonly used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections including those of the middle ear, sinuses, chest and lungs, and urinary tract. It can also be used to treat gonorrhea, a sexually transmitted disease.

As with all antibiotics, it's crucial to take this medication until the full prescribed amount is finished, even if symptoms disappear after a few days. Stopping the medication too early may allow bacteria to continue to grow, which may result in a return of the infection.

It's important to note that this formulation is dye-free, making it a suitable choice for patients with sensitivities or allergies to dyes commonly used in pharmaceuticals. However, as with any medication, potential side effects may occur. These can include stomach upset, diarrhea, or headache. If any of these effects persist or worsen, patients should promptly inform their doctor or pharmacist.

Prescribers should be aware that Cefixime may interact with other medications, and it's important to discuss all current medications and supplements with the patient before prescribing. Additionally, prescribers should consider the patient's medical history, especially of kidney disease, stomach/intestinal diseases (such as colitis), and allergies—especially to cephalosporins or penicillins—before prescribing this medication.

If you have any questions or need further information about Cefixime 100 mg/5 mL Oral Liquid (Dye Free), please don't hesitate to reach out to us at Bayview Pharmacy. Our team of knowledgeable compounding pharmacists is always here to help.

Drug Interactions

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Cefixime is a third-generation cephalosporin antibiotic, primarily used to treat bacterial infections. It works by inhibiting the synthesis of bacterial cell walls, leading to cell death and the elimination of the infection. However, like all medications, Cefixime can interact with other drugs, potentially altering its effectiveness or increasing the risk of adverse effects.

One of the most significant interactions is with antacids containing aluminum or magnesium, such as Maalox, Mylanta, or Tums. These antacids can decrease the absorption of Cefixime, reducing its effectiveness. Therefore, it is recommended to take Cefixime at least 1 hour before or 2 hours after taking an antacid.

Another important interaction is with blood thinners, such as warfarin. Cefixime can enhance the effects of warfarin, increasing the risk of bleeding. If you are taking warfarin, your doctor may need to monitor your blood clotting time more closely while you are taking Cefixime.

Probenecid, a drug used to treat gout, can also interact with Cefixime. It can increase the levels of Cefixime in the body, potentially leading to increased side effects. If you are taking probenecid, your doctor may need to adjust your dose of Cefixime.

It's also important to note that Cefixime can interact with certain live vaccines, such as the typhoid vaccine. Antibiotics can decrease the effectiveness of live vaccines, so it's recommended to wait at least 72 hours after finishing a course of Cefixime before receiving a live vaccine.

Lastly, Cefixime can interact with certain laboratory tests, including the Coombs' test, potentially causing false-positive results. If you are having any lab tests done, make sure your doctor and lab personnel know you are taking Cefixime.

This is not a complete list of all possible interactions. Other medications, including over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, and herbal supplements, may also interact with Cefixime. Therefore, it's important to inform your healthcare provider of all the medications and supplements you are currently taking.

Remember, drug interactions can be managed and, in many cases, prevented by appropriate monitoring and dose adjustments. Always consult with your healthcare provider or pharmacist before starting, stopping, or changing the dosage of any medication.

If you have any questions about Cefixime or its potential interactions, don't hesitate to reach out to us at Bayview Pharmacy. Our team of knowledgeable compounding pharmacists is always here to help.

How Does it Work

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Cefixime 100 mg/5 mL Oral Liquid (Dye Free) is a specially formulated antibiotic medication that belongs to the class of drugs known as cephalosporins. This formulation is designed to be taken orally and is particularly useful for patients who have difficulty swallowing solid dosage forms, such as tablets or capsules. It is also ideal for pediatric and geriatric populations who may require a more easily ingested form of medication.

The active ingredient in this formulation, Cefixime, works by inhibiting the synthesis of the bacterial cell wall. It does this by binding to specific proteins (penicillin-binding proteins) within the bacterial cell. This binding process disrupts the construction of the bacterial cell wall, causing it to weaken and eventually rupture, leading to the death of the bacteria.

As an antibiotic, Cefixime is effective against a wide range of bacterial infections. It is commonly used to treat conditions such as bronchitis, pneumonia, gonorrhea, and infections of the ear, throat, tonsils, and urinary tract. It is also used in the treatment of typhoid fever and uncomplicated cervical or urethral gonorrhea.

It's important to note that Cefixime is not effective against viral infections such as the common cold or flu. Misuse or overuse of antibiotics can lead to decreased effectiveness and antibiotic resistance, a serious global health concern.

Patients should take this medication as directed by their healthcare provider, usually once or twice daily. The liquid formulation should be measured with a special dose-measuring spoon or medicine cup to ensure the correct dose is administered. It can be taken with or without food, but taking it with food may reduce the chance of stomach upset.

As with any medication, Cefixime may cause side effects, including nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, or headache. If these effects persist or worsen, patients should contact their healthcare provider promptly. Serious side effects are rare but can include persistent vomiting, dark urine, persistent nausea, yellowing eyes or skin, easy bruising or bleeding, or signs of a new infection.

Prescribers should be aware of potential drug interactions with Cefixime. It may interact with certain live bacterial vaccines, probenecid, and warfarin, among others. Therefore, a thorough review of the patient's medication list is necessary before starting therapy with Cefixime.

If you have any questions about Cefixime 100 mg/5 mL Oral Liquid (Dye Free), please don't hesitate to reach out to us at Bayview Pharmacy. Our team of knowledgeable compounding pharmacists is here to help.

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Frequently Asked Questions

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What is Cefixime 100 mg/5 mL Oral Liquid (Dye Free)?

Cefixime 100 mg/5 mL Oral Liquid is a medication that is designed for oral administration. It contains 100 mg of Cefixime per 5 mL of liquid and it does not contain any artificial food dyes.

Why is Cefixime produced in a liquid form?

This medication is specifically formulated in a liquid form to ensure easy ingestion and accurate delivery, particularly when it is difficult for the patient to swallow a solid dosage or for particular populations such as children and seniors.

Who should use this liquid prescription of Cefixime?

This formulation is often recommended for pediatric and geriatric patients, or anyone who may have difficulty swallowing solid forms of medication.

What is the method of administration for Cefixime 100 mg/5 mL Oral Liquid (Dye Free)?

This medication is intended to be administered orally. The dose can be easily measured to ensure accuracy.

Is Cefixime 100 mg/5 mL Oral Liquid (Dye Free) as effective as its solid form?

Yes, the liquid form of Cefixime is just as effective as the solid dosage form. It simply provides a convenient delivery method for those who find it easier to ingest liquid medications.

Is there a specific measurement for each dose of Cefixime 100 mg/5 mL Oral Liquid (Dye Free)?

Each dose should be accurately measured according to the prescribing doctor's instructions. The concentration of Cefixime is 100mg per 5mL of the liquid, so the volume needed for each dose will depend on the patient's individual prescription.

Is there any food coloring in Cefixime 100 mg/5 mL Oral Liquid (Dye Free)?

No, this formulation of Cefixime is free from artificial food dyes, making it suitable for those who are sensitive to or have allergies to dyes.

How should I store Cefixime 100 mg/5 mL Oral Liquid (Dye Free)?

Like most medications, this formulation should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Always refer to the storage instructions provided on the packaging or check with your pharmacist for specific storage requirements.

Can Cefixime 100 mg/5 mL Oral Liquid (Dye Free) be used for all infections that Cefixime is normally prescribed for?

Yes, the liquid form of Cefixime is designed to deliver the same therapeutic effects as the tablet form. It is used to treat the same types of bacterial infections.

Does the taste or texture of the liquid form of Cefixime affect how it works against infections?

No, the taste or texture of the liquid medication does not impact its medicinal properties or effectiveness against infections.

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Formulas and/or material listed are not to be interpreted as a promise, guarantee or claim of therapeutic efficacy or safety. The information contained herein is not intended to replace or substitute for conventional medical care, or encourage its abandonment. Every patient is unique, and formulas should be adjusted to meet their individual needs.
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