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Chloral Hydrate 325 mg Rectal Suppository

The Chloral Hydrate 325 mg Rectal Suppository is a solid dosage form specifically designed for insertion into the rectum. Upon insertion, the suppository dissolves or melts, releasing the medication for local or systemic absorption. Chloral Hydrate is a sedative and hypnotic drug, commonly used to treat insomnia and certain seizure disorders. This formulation provides a convenient and effective method of drug delivery, particularly for patients who may have difficulty swallowing oral medications.

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Formula Information

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Chloral Hydrate 325 mg Rectal Suppository is a solid dosage form designed for insertion into the rectum. This formulation is specifically designed to dissolve or melt once inserted, allowing for the release of the medication. The medication is then absorbed locally or systemically, depending on the intended treatment.

Chloral Hydrate is a sedative and hypnotic drug, which means it can help to induce sleep and reduce anxiety. It is often used in the treatment of insomnia and as a sedative before minor surgical or therapeutic procedures. It can also be used to manage symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. The rectal suppository form allows for a more controlled and gradual release of the medication, which can be beneficial in managing these conditions.

For patients, it's important to understand that this medication should be used under the supervision of a healthcare provider. It should be inserted rectally as directed by your healthcare provider, typically at bedtime. The suppository should not be swallowed or used by any other route. Side effects can include drowsiness, nausea, and diarrhea. If these side effects persist or worsen, contact your healthcare provider immediately.

For prescribers, it's crucial to monitor patients closely while they are using this medication, particularly for signs of over-sedation or potential dependency. Chloral Hydrate can interact with other medications, so a thorough medication history should be taken before prescribing. It should be used with caution in patients with liver or kidney disease, and is not recommended for long-term use due to the risk of dependency and potential for abuse.

If you have any questions about this formulation, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at Bayview Pharmacy. Our team of knowledgeable compounding pharmacists is always here to help.

Drug Interactions

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Chloral Hydrate is a sedative and hypnotic drug that is used to treat insomnia and certain seizure disorders. It works by slowing down the activity of the nervous system, allowing for relaxation and sleep. However, it's important to be aware of potential drug interactions that could occur with this medication.

Chloral Hydrate may interact with other CNS depressants, such as opioids, benzodiazepines, and alcohol. These interactions can lead to increased sedation, respiratory depression, and potentially fatal overdose. Therefore, it's crucial to avoid combining Chloral Hydrate with these substances unless under the direct supervision of a healthcare provider.

Additionally, Chloral Hydrate may interact with drugs that affect liver enzymes, particularly those that inhibit CYP2C19 and CYP2E1. These include fluconazole, cimetidine, and certain antidepressants. These interactions can lead to increased levels of Chloral Hydrate in the body, potentially leading to toxicity. If you are taking any of these medications, your healthcare provider may need to adjust your dose of Chloral Hydrate accordingly.

Chloral Hydrate may also interact with certain heart medications, such as digoxin and warfarin. These interactions can lead to changes in heart rhythm or increased risk of bleeding. If you are taking any heart medications, be sure to inform your healthcare provider.

It's important to note that this is not a complete list of potential drug interactions. Always inform your healthcare provider of all the medications you are currently taking, including over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, and herbal supplements. This will help your healthcare provider to prevent potential drug interactions and ensure your safety.

As a compounding pharmacy, we are able to customize your medication to meet your specific needs. If you have any questions or concerns about Chloral Hydrate or its potential interactions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to help.

How Does it Work

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Chloral Hydrate 325 mg Rectal Suppository is a solid dosage form that is inserted into the rectum, where it dissolves or melts to release the medication. The active ingredient, Chloral Hydrate, is a sedative and hypnotic drug that works by depressing the central nervous system (CNS), inducing sleep and reducing anxiety.

The rectal route of administration is chosen for several reasons. Firstly, it allows for the medication to be absorbed directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the first-pass metabolism in the liver which can degrade the drug and reduce its effectiveness. Secondly, it is a suitable route for patients who are unable to swallow oral medications, such as those who are unconscious or have difficulty swallowing. Lastly, it provides a local effect in the rectal area, which can be beneficial for conditions such as hemorrhoids or anal fissures.

Once the suppository is inserted into the rectum, it begins to melt due to the body's heat. As it melts, the Chloral Hydrate is released and absorbed through the rectal mucosa into the bloodstream. From there, it is transported to the brain where it exerts its sedative and hypnotic effects. Chloral Hydrate works by increasing the activity of a neurotransmitter called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. GABA inhibits the activity of the nervous system, leading to a decrease in anxiety and a feeling of calmness and relaxation.

Chloral Hydrate 325 mg Rectal Suppository is used to treat a variety of disease states. It is commonly used as a sedative before surgical or diagnostic procedures, and to treat insomnia or other sleep disorders. It can also be used to manage withdrawal symptoms in patients with alcohol dependence, and to control agitation and restlessness in patients with severe mental illness or dementia.

It is important to note that Chloral Hydrate should be used with caution, as it can cause dependence and withdrawal symptoms if used for a long period of time or in high doses. It can also cause side effects such as dizziness, nausea, and diarrhea. Therefore, it should only be used under the supervision of a healthcare professional.

If you have any questions about Chloral Hydrate 325 mg Rectal Suppository, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to provide you with the information and support you need to use this medication safely and effectively.

Other Uses

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Chloral Hydrate 325 mg Rectal Suppository, in addition to being employed for certain known disease states, also has various other potential applications. This formulation can also be utilized as a sedative or hypnotic agent in situations where oral administration isn't feasible or preferred. In the context of procedural and diagnostic sedation, for example, it can be beneficial for individuals undergoing endoscopic or imaging procedures. It may also offer advantages in the management of insomnia, especially in situations where a rapid-onset and short-duration sedative is required.

Moreover, this formulation may also be appropriate in treating delirium or agitation particularly in a palliative care or hospice setting, where other routes of administration may be challenging. This form of administration bypasses the need for intravenous access and may aid in providing relief from symptoms with less systemic side effects. Although this alternate use of chloral hydrate suppositories is not as common, it is nonetheless a potential option to consider when traditional methods are not feasible or have been ineffective.

It is important to note that each of these potential uses depends on a variety of factors, including the patient's overall condition, the specific circumstances that make alternative administration routes unfeasible or undesirable, and the patient's personal comfort with rectal administration. For any alternate uses, careful patient monitoring is advised to ensure efficacy and manage any potential side effects. Additionally, the prescribing practitioner needs to make sure the patient or caregiver understands the appropriate procedures for administration to ensure maximum efficacy and safety.

If you have any other questions regarding this formulation or any other details mentioned, feel free to reach us at Bayview Pharmacy. We are a team of knowledgeable compounding pharmacists committed to providing accurate information and the best patient care possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

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What is Chloral Hydrate 325 mg Rectal Suppository?

The Chloral Hydrate 325 mg Rectal Suppository is a solid dosage form of medication. It is designed to be inserted into a body cavity, typically the rectum, and it works by dissolving or melting to release the medication for local or systemic absorption.

How is this medication absorbed?

Once inserted into the rectum, the suppository dissolves or melts to release the Chloral Hydrate medication. This is then absorbed locally or systemically.

How should I store the Chloral Hydrate 325 mg Rectal Suppository?

It's important to store this medication in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and out of reach of children. Always read and follow any specific storage instructions provided by your pharmacist or healthcare provider.

What is the medication used for?

Chloral Hydrate is often used as a sedative or to manage sleep disorders. It may also be used for other purposes as directed by your healthcare provider.

Can the Chloral Hydrate 325 mg Rectal Suppository be used in the vagina?

While some suppositories can be used in either the rectum or vagina, it's important to use medication as directed by your healthcare provider. The Chloral Hydrate 325 mg Rectal Suppository is primarily designed for rectal use.

What should I do if I miss a dose?

If you miss a dose, you should take it as soon as you remember. However, if it is near the time of your next dose, skip the missed dose and resume your normal dosing schedule. Do not double the dose to catch up.

Does the Chloral Hydrate 325 mg Rectal Suppository have any side effects?

As with any medication, the Chloral Hydrate 325 mg Rectal Suppository may have side effects. Possible side effects include dizziness, nausea, or headache. Always consult your healthcare provider if you experience any unusual symptoms.

Can this medication be taken with food?

While this medication is primarily absorbed through the rectum, your healthcare provider will provide specific instructions on whether it can or should be taken with food. Always follow your healthcare provider's instructions.

Is it safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women?

Pregnant or breastfeeding women should consult their healthcare provider before using the Chloral Hydrate 325 mg Rectal Suppository. The medication could potentially have effects on the fetus or nursing infant.

Is this medication suitable for children?

The suitability of this medication for children depends on their age, weight and the specific condition being treated. Always consult a healthcare provider before giving any medication to a child.

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Formulas and/or material listed are not to be interpreted as a promise, guarantee or claim of therapeutic efficacy or safety. The information contained herein is not intended to replace or substitute for conventional medical care, or encourage its abandonment. Every patient is unique, and formulas should be adjusted to meet their individual needs.
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