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Diltiazem HCl 16 mg/ml/Phenytoin 10.87 mg/ml Topical Ointment

The Diltiazem HCl 16 mg/ml/Phenytoin 10.87 mg/ml Topical Ointment is a semi-solid preparation intended for external application to the skin. This ointment is compounded in a greasy or oily base, which facilitates the localized delivery of the active ingredients, Diltiazem Hydrochloride and Phenytoin. Diltiazem is a calcium channel blocker that, when used topically, may help to improve blood flow and reduce inflammation. Phenytoin is an anticonvulsant that has been found to aid in the promotion of wound healing. Together, these agents work synergistically to treat specific skin conditions. This formulation is particularly used for the management of anal fissures, where it can help to relieve pain and facilitate the healing process. It may also be beneficial in the treatment of other localized skin conditions where inflammation or wound healing is a concern.

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Topical Ointment
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Formula Information

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The Diltiazem HCl 16 mg/ml/Phenytoin 10.87 mg/ml Topical Ointment is a specialized semi-solid formulation that is carefully compounded by our team at Bayview Pharmacy. This ointment is designed for external application to the skin and is dispensed in a tube for ease of use. The base of the ointment is greasy or oily, which not only facilitates the delivery of the active ingredients to the affected area but also provides a protective barrier that can aid in the healing process. The formulation is intended for localized treatment and is particularly useful for managing conditions such as skin inflammation, infections, or promoting wound healing.

Diltiazem is a calcium channel blocker that, when used topically, can help to improve blood flow by relaxing the blood vessels in the affected area. This can reduce inflammation and promote healing of certain types of wounds or ulcers. Phenytoin, traditionally used as an anticonvulsant, has been found to have wound healing properties when applied topically. It can help to stimulate the repair of damaged skin, reduce the formation of scar tissue, and has antibacterial effects that can be beneficial in preventing or treating skin infections.

The combination of Diltiazem and Phenytoin in this ointment provides a synergistic effect that can be particularly effective for patients with complex skin conditions that have not responded well to standard treatments. The concentration of 16 mg/ml of Diltiazem and 10.87 mg/ml of Phenytoin has been carefully selected to maximize therapeutic effects while minimizing potential side effects. Patients should apply the ointment as directed by their healthcare provider, and it is important to follow their instructions regarding the amount of ointment to use and the frequency of application.

Prescribers considering this formulation for their patients should be aware of the potential interactions and contraindications associated with both Diltiazem and Phenytoin. Monitoring for systemic absorption and side effects is recommended, especially in patients with a history of cardiac conditions or those taking other medications that may interact with calcium channel blockers or anticonvulsants. As with any compounded medication, it is essential to use this ointment under the guidance of a healthcare professional who can evaluate its suitability for a specific patient's condition.

At Bayview Pharmacy, we are committed to providing high-quality compounded medications tailored to the unique needs of our patients. If you have any questions about the Diltiazem HCl 16 mg/ml/Phenytoin 10.87 mg/ml Topical Ointment or would like to discuss its appropriateness for a particular patient, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Our knowledgeable team of compounding pharmacists is here to support both patients and prescribers in the effective management of complex skin conditions.

Drug Interactions

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The combination of Diltiazem HCl and Phenytoin in a topical ointment formulation is an unusual preparation, as these medications are more commonly used systemically. Diltiazem is a calcium channel blocker that, when used topically, may help to improve blood flow and reduce inflammation by dilating blood vessels. Phenytoin, an anticonvulsant, has been shown to have wound healing properties when applied topically. This combination may be beneficial for certain skin conditions where improved blood flow and enhanced wound healing are desired.

When considering drug interactions for this topical formulation, it is important to note that systemic absorption of these medications through the skin can occur, although it is typically minimal. However, if the ointment is applied to large areas of skin or to open wounds, there may be an increased risk of systemic absorption and potential interactions.

Diltiazem is known to interact with a variety of drugs when taken systemically. It can increase the levels of certain medications in the blood, such as statins, beta-blockers, and digoxin, potentially leading to increased effects or toxicity. It can also affect the metabolism of other drugs, such as warfarin, leading to an increased risk of bleeding. If patients are taking any of these medications, caution should be exercised, and monitoring for signs of toxicity or interaction is recommended.

Phenytoin's interactions are also noteworthy when taken systemically. It can induce hepatic enzymes, potentially decreasing the effectiveness of other medications, such as certain anticoagulants, corticosteroids, and oral contraceptives. Conversely, drugs that inhibit hepatic enzymes, such as isoniazid and some antidepressants, can increase phenytoin levels, leading to toxicity. Additionally, phenytoin can displace other drugs from protein binding sites, increasing the free concentration of drugs like warfarin and leading to an enhanced effect.

Given the potential for systemic absorption, patients should be advised to inform their healthcare providers of all medications they are taking, including over-the-counter drugs and supplements, to assess for possible interactions. Prescribers should evaluate the patient's medication profile for any drugs that could interact with diltiazem or phenytoin, even when used topically, and monitor for any signs of adverse effects or altered drug efficacy.

It is also important to consider the potential for local skin reactions, such as irritation or contact dermatitis, which can occur with any topical application. Patients should be instructed to apply the ointment to a small area of skin initially to test for sensitivity. If a reaction occurs, they should discontinue use and consult their healthcare provider.

For any further questions or concerns regarding this formulation or its potential interactions, please reach out to us at Bayview Pharmacy. Our team of compounding pharmacists is here to provide the necessary guidance and support to ensure the safe and effective use of this medication.

How Does it Work

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The Diltiazem HCl 16 mg/ml/Phenytoin 10.87 mg/ml Topical Ointment is a specialized medication formulated for external application to the skin. This semi-solid preparation is designed to deliver active pharmaceutical ingredients directly to the site of action, providing targeted relief and treatment. The ointment base is greasy or oily, which not only facilitates the application but also creates a protective barrier over the skin, enhancing the absorption of the active compounds.

Diltiazem is a calcium channel blocker that, when used topically, can help to improve blood flow by relaxing the blood vessels in the affected area. This action can reduce inflammation and promote healing, particularly in conditions such as anal fissures where increased blood flow can significantly alleviate pain and discomfort. By inhibiting the influx of calcium ions in smooth muscle cells, Diltiazem reduces muscle spasms and provides analgesic effects.

Phenytoin, traditionally known as an anticonvulsant, has been found to have wound healing properties when applied topically. It promotes the proliferation of fibroblasts, which are essential for the synthesis of collagen, and also helps in the formation of granulation tissue, thereby accelerating the healing process. Phenytoin's anti-inflammatory properties further aid in reducing local inflammation, making it beneficial in the treatment of various skin conditions.

The combination of Diltiazem and Phenytoin in this ointment exploits the synergistic effects of both drugs, enhancing the therapeutic outcomes for patients suffering from skin inflammation, infections, or wounds that require healing. The ointment is typically applied to the affected area as directed by a healthcare provider, ensuring that the medication is used in a safe and effective manner.

Patients and prescribers should be aware that this formulation is specifically compounded to meet individual patient needs and should only be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional. The unique concentration of Diltiazem and Phenytoin in this ointment is designed to maximize therapeutic effects while minimizing potential systemic side effects that might occur with oral administration of these medications.

For optimal results, the ointment should be applied as prescribed, usually in a thin layer over the affected area. It is important to follow the application instructions carefully to avoid any adverse reactions. If there are any questions or concerns regarding the use of this formulation, or if additional information is needed on how it works and its suitability for treating specific conditions, please reach out to us at Bayview Pharmacy. Our team of compounding pharmacists is here to provide support and guidance to ensure the safe and effective use of this medication.

Other Uses

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Aside from the primary indications for treating conditions that involve skin inflammation, infections, or wound healing, this unique compounding formulation of Diltiazem HCl 16 mg/ml in combination with Phenytoin 10.87 mg/ml has several other potential uses. Given that both diltiazem and phenytoin possess vasodilating and anticonvulsant properties respectively, there may be off-label applications explored in managing various dermatological symptoms. For instance, the vasodilatory effect of diltiazem could contribute to improving blood flow in areas with compromised circulation, making it potentially useful for conditions like anal fissures where relaxation of the anal sphincter is desired to relieve pain and promote healing. Moreover, due to its calcium channel blocking activity, diltiazem could be explored for the relief of chronic anal fissures, where it can help by lowering anal sphincter pressure.

Phenytoin, traditionally used as an anticonvulsant, has also been noted for its wound healing properties when applied topically. It can promote granulation tissue formation, making this compound potentially beneficial for non-healing wounds or ulcers, especially in patients with neuropathic conditions such as diabetes, where wound healing is notably impaired. Furthermore, some studies suggest that topical phenytoin may inhibit collagenase activity, which can be detrimental to wound healing, hence it might be valuable in chronic, non-responsive wounds.

While this formulation demonstrates potential in various therapeutic areas, it's important to note that use for any indications other than those for which it has been specifically prescribed should be done under the guidance of a healthcare professional. Potential uses for this combination require thorough evaluation for safety and efficacy, and prescribers should use their clinical judgment before recommending this product off-label. Since the field of topical therapy is continuously evolving, the knowledge regarding the combination of diltiazem and phenytoin in this dosage form may expand further with ongoing research and case studies.

The formulation's base itself provides a moisturizing effect and can create a protective barrier on the skin, which may aid in the healing of dry or cracked skin. However, care should be taken to use the ointment as directed, since prolonged or inappropriate use may lead to side effects or reduced efficacy of the active compounds.

If you are a patient or prescriber with questions or you would like to discuss the potential uses of this formulation further, we encourage you to reach out to us at Bayview Pharmacy. Our expert team of compounding pharmacists is dedicated to providing high-quality, individualized care and will be glad to assist you in understanding the benefits and limitations of this unique topical ointment.

Frequently Asked Questions

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What is Diltiazem HCl/Phenytoin Topical Ointment used for?

This ointment is used for localized treatment of various skin conditions which may require the anti-inflammatory or anti-infective properties of the medication. It is often prescribed for conditions that involve skin inflammation, infections, or aid in wound healing.

How should Diltiazem HCl/Phenytoin Topical Ointment be applied?

The ointment should be applied directly to the affected area of the skin as instructed by your healthcare provider. Ensure that the skin is clean and dry before application, and wash your hands before and after use.

How often should I use this topical ointment?

The frequency of application will depend on the severity and type of the condition being treated. It is essential to follow the specific instructions provided by your healthcare provider or pharmacist.

Are there any side effects associated with Diltiazem HCl/Phenytoin Topical Ointment?

Side effects can include local skin irritation, itching, or redness at the application site. If you experience any severe reactions or side effects that persist, contact your healthcare provider.

Can this ointment be used with other medications?

Always inform your healthcare provider about all the medications you are currently using. Depending on the medications, there may be potential interactions, and your provider can advise you appropriately.

Is Diltiazem HCl/Phenytoin Topical Ointment safe for children?

The safety of this ointment in children has not been established. Use in children should only be under the direct supervision of a healthcare provider.

How should this medication be stored?

Store the ointment at room temperature, away from direct light and moisture. Keep it out of reach of children and pets.

What should I do if I miss a dose?

If you miss a dose, apply it as soon as you remember. However, if it's close to the time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and continue with your regular schedule. Do not double the dose to catch up.

Can Diltiazem HCl/Phenytoin Topical Ointment be used on open wounds?

This medication should not be applied to open wounds unless specifically directed by a healthcare provider. It is formulated typically for closed skin conditions.

What should I avoid while using this ointment?

Avoid getting the ointment in your eyes, mouth, or nose. Also, avoid covering the treated area with bandages or other occlusive dressings unless your healthcare provider has told you to do so.

Is it safe to use Diltiazem HCl/Phenytoin Topical Ointment during pregnancy or breastfeeding?

Consult with your healthcare provider if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. The potential risks and benefits will need to be weighed to determine if this medication is safe for you to use during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

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Formulas and/or material listed are not to be interpreted as a promise, guarantee or claim of therapeutic efficacy or safety. The information contained herein is not intended to replace or substitute for conventional medical care, or encourage its abandonment. Every patient is unique, and formulas should be adjusted to meet their individual needs.
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