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Hydrocortisone Acetate 50 mg Vaginal Suppository

The Hydrocortisone Acetate 50 mg Vaginal Suppository is a solid dosage form designed for insertion into the vaginal cavity. Upon insertion, the suppository dissolves or melts, facilitating the release of hydrocortisone acetate for local absorption. This formulation is specifically compounded to treat inflammatory and pruritic manifestations of corticosteroid-responsive dermatoses in the vaginal area. It may also be used to address certain gynecological conditions characterized by inflammation and itching that can benefit from topical corticosteroid therapy.

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Formula Information

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Hydrocortisone Acetate 50 mg Vaginal Suppositories are a specialized solid dosage form designed for insertion into the vaginal cavity. Upon insertion, the suppository base, typically composed of a substance like cocoa butter or a glycerinated gelatin, dissolves or melts at body temperature, allowing the active medication, Hydrocortisone Acetate, to be released and absorbed locally within the vaginal tissue. This mode of delivery is particularly effective for targeting local conditions and can also provide systemic absorption of the medication when necessary.

Hydrocortisone Acetate is a corticosteroid, which acts by reducing inflammation, itching, and swelling. When formulated into a 50 mg vaginal suppository, it is primarily used for its anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects on the vaginal mucosa. This can be beneficial in treating various disease states such as inflammatory lesions of the vagina, atrophic vaginitis, and certain cases of vaginal irritation and itching. By acting directly at the site of inflammation, Hydrocortisone Acetate can provide relief from symptoms and promote healing of the affected tissues.

For patients, it is important to understand that while Hydrocortisone Acetate vaginal suppositories can provide significant relief from discomfort, they should be used as directed by a healthcare provider. The suppositories should be stored in a cool place to prevent melting and should be inserted as instructed, typically lying down to ensure the suppository remains in place to dissolve properly. Patients should be aware of potential side effects, which may include local irritation, burning, or itching. Long-term use of corticosteroids can lead to additional effects, and therefore, treatment duration should be limited to the shortest possible time to manage symptoms.

Prescribers should consider this formulation for patients who require localized anti-inflammatory treatment within the vaginal area. It is crucial to assess the patient's overall health, current medications, and medical history to avoid potential drug interactions and contraindications. Monitoring for systemic absorption and potential adrenal suppression is also recommended with prolonged use. The choice of a 50 mg dose allows for significant therapeutic effect while minimizing the risk of systemic side effects when used appropriately.

Bayview Pharmacy's team of compounding pharmacists is dedicated to providing high-quality, customized medications to meet the unique needs of each patient. We are available to answer any questions and provide additional information to ensure the safe and effective use of Hydrocortisone Acetate 50 mg Vaginal Suppositories. If you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Drug Interactions

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Hydrocortisone acetate is a corticosteroid used for its anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive properties. When formulated as a 50 mg vaginal suppository, it is intended for local administration to treat inflammatory conditions of the vagina or rectum. It is important to consider potential drug interactions when using hydrocortisone acetate in this dosage form.

One key interaction is with other corticosteroids, whether administered orally, topically, or by injection. Concurrent use may increase the systemic effects of corticosteroids, potentially leading to Cushing's syndrome or adrenal suppression. Patients should inform their healthcare provider if they are taking any other form of corticosteroid.

Enzyme inducers, such as phenytoin, phenobarbital, ephedrine, and rifampin, may decrease the plasma concentration of hydrocortisone, reducing its efficacy. Conversely, enzyme inhibitors like ketoconazole can increase plasma levels of hydrocortisone, potentially leading to increased risk of systemic side effects.

Hydrocortisone may also interact with anticoagulants like warfarin. Corticosteroids can alter the response to anticoagulants, and patients may require closer monitoring of their coagulation status and possible adjustment of their anticoagulant dosage.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) taken concurrently with hydrocortisone may increase the risk of gastrointestinal ulceration or bleeding. Patients should be monitored for signs of gastrointestinal distress and be advised to report any severe abdominal pain or signs of bleeding.

Diabetic patients should be aware that corticosteroids can increase blood glucose levels. Those using hydrocortisone acetate suppositories may require more frequent monitoring of their blood glucose and adjustments to their diabetes medication.

Immunosuppressive effects of hydrocortisone could be compounded when used with other immunosuppressants, raising the risk of infection. Patients should be counseled on the signs of infection and advised to seek medical attention promptly if they suspect an infection.

Lastly, live or live-attenuated vaccines should be used with caution in patients receiving corticosteroids due to the potential for decreased antibody response and increased risk of adverse reactions from the vaccine.

It is essential for patients and prescribers to be aware of these potential interactions when considering the use of hydrocortisone acetate vaginal suppositories. This is not an exhaustive list, and other interactions may exist. For personalized advice and to ensure safe use of this medication, patients should consult with their healthcare provider or pharmacist. If you have any questions or require further information, please reach out to us at Bayview Pharmacy.

How Does it Work

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The Hydrocortisone Acetate 50 mg Vaginal Suppository is a solid dosage form designed to be inserted into the vagina, where it dissolves or melts at body temperature. Upon insertion, the suppository base, typically made from a substance like cocoa butter or a synthetic substitute, begins to melt due to the warmth of the human body, allowing the active ingredient, hydrocortisone acetate, to be released.

Hydrocortisone acetate is a corticosteroid, which means it is a synthetic version of the hormones produced by the adrenal glands. It works by reducing inflammation, itching, and swelling. When applied locally to the vagina, hydrocortisone acetate acts on the cells in the mucosal lining to inhibit the release of substances in the body that cause inflammation. This can help to alleviate symptoms associated with inflammatory conditions of the vagina or vulva, such as itching, redness, and swelling.

This formulation is particularly useful for treating localized conditions where systemic corticosteroid treatment is not necessary or desired. By using a suppository, the medication can exert its effects directly at the site of inflammation with minimal systemic absorption, reducing the potential for systemic side effects that can occur with oral or parenteral corticosteroid administration.

Hydrocortisone acetate vaginal suppositories may be used in the management of inflammatory conditions of the vagina and vulva, such as atrophic vaginitis, lichen sclerosus, or other non-infectious inflammations. It is important to note that this medication should only be used under the guidance of a healthcare provider, as incorrect use or overuse of corticosteroids can lead to complications. Additionally, this medication is not suitable for treating vaginal infections, as it does not have antimicrobial properties.

Patients should be instructed on how to properly insert the suppository to ensure that the medication is delivered effectively. It is usually recommended to insert the suppository before bedtime to reduce the likelihood of the suppository being expelled and to allow for prolonged contact with the affected area during sleep.

For prescribers, it is important to consider the patient's overall medical condition and the presence of any contraindications to corticosteroid use, such as active infections. The duration of treatment should be limited to the shortest period necessary to achieve symptom relief, and patients should be monitored for any signs of systemic corticosteroid effects or local reactions.

If you have any questions about the Hydrocortisone Acetate 50 mg Vaginal Suppository or its use in treating specific disease states, please reach out to us at Bayview Pharmacy. Our team of compounding pharmacists is here to provide you with the information and support you need to ensure safe and effective treatment for your patients.

Other Uses

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Hydrocortisone acetate vaginal suppositories are primarily formulated for the treatment of inflammatory conditions of the anogenital region. The typical applications include the management of pruritus due to hemorrhoidal or other non-infectious anogenital inflammation. However, due to the anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects of hydrocortisone acetate, there are some off-label or other uses that healthcare providers might consider. For instance, some practitioners may prescribe hydrocortisone acetate suppositories to address certain inflammatory gynecological conditions that are not responding to standard treatment modalities. This may include managing inflammation associated with vaginal atrophy or non-infectious vaginitis.

Another potential application of hydrocortisone acetate suppositories is for the compassionate use in patients with severe mucositis secondary to radiation or chemotherapy who are experiencing debilitating rectal or anal pain. Though not a primary indication, the local application of hydrocortisone can potentially offer symptomatic relief in such situations. Moreover, in very specific and monitored circumstances, suppositories may be used to manage symptoms of chronic, non-specific proctitis or other inflammatory conditions of the distal colon and rectum.

However, it should be emphasized that these uses are secondary and should be approached with caution due to the possibility of systemic absorption and the attendant risk of systemic corticosteroid side effects. The decision to use hydrocortisone acetate suppositories for conditions other than the labeled indications should be made by a healthcare provider, taking into account the individual patient's clinical situation, potential benefits, and inherent risks. Consulting a pharmacist specialized in compounding can provide an additional layer of insight for prescribers considering such alternative applications. We always advise healthcare providers to prescribe any medication, including hydrocortisone suppositories, based on sound clinical evidence and guidelines.

We understand that therapeutic decisions can often be complex, and we are here to support both patients and prescribers with any questions regarding medication formulations and potential uses. If there is uncertainty about the suitability of hydrocortisone acetate suppositories for a particular condition, or if there is a need for customization of a dosage form to meet specific patient needs, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. At Bayview Pharmacy, our team of expert compounding pharmacists is committed to ensuring safe and effective treatment options tailored to individual patient requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions

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What is Hydrocortisone Acetate 50 mg Vaginal Suppository used for?

Hydrocortisone Acetate 50 mg Vaginal Suppository is used for treating inflammatory conditions of the vagina, such as certain types of vaginitis. It may also be used to reduce swelling, itching, and discomfort associated with certain gynecological conditions or procedures.

How do you use Hydrocortisone Acetate Vaginal Suppositories?

To use the suppository, you should insert it into the vagina, typically lying down on your back with your knees bent, pushing it in gently until it cannot be felt anymore. It should be done ideally at bedtime to ensure the medication stays in place and works overnight. Always follow the specific instructions provided by your healthcare provider.

How often should I use the Hydrocortisone Acetate Vaginal Suppository?

The frequency of usage will depend on the instructions given by your healthcare provider, as it can vary based on the condition being treated and its severity. It's important not to use it more often than prescribed.

Can Hydrocortisone Acetate Vaginal Suppositories be used during menstruation?

It's best to consult with your healthcare provider regarding the use of Hydrocortisone Acetate Vaginal Suppositories during menstruation, as it can affect the absorption and effectiveness of the medication.

What are the possible side effects of using Hydrocortisone Acetate Vaginal Suppositories?

Possible side effects can include local irritation, burning sensation, itching, or an increase in vaginal discharge. Systemic side effects are uncommon due to local use, but prolonged or excessive use can lead to systemic effects like suppression of adrenal gland function. Contact your healthcare provider if you experience any severe or persistent side effects.

Can I have sexual intercourse while using Hydrocortisone Acetate Vaginal Suppositories?

It's recommended to avoid sexual intercourse while using Hydrocortisone Acetate Vaginal Suppositories. The medication can affect the integrity of condoms and diaphragms, and intercourse can also interfere with the healing process.

How should I store Hydrocortisone Acetate Vaginal Suppositories?

Suppositories should be stored in a cool place, typically at room temperature, away from light and moisture. Do not store in the bathroom and keep them away from children and pets. Do not freeze the suppositories unless instructed to do so by your pharmacist or the product labeling.

What should I do if I miss a dose?

If you miss a dose, insert the missed suppository as soon as you remember. However, if it's almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and resume your regular dosing schedule. Do not double up to make up for a missed dose.

Can Hydrocortisone Acetate Vaginal Suppositories cause an allergic reaction?

Though rare, an allergic reaction to Hydrocortisone Acetate is possible. Seek immediate medical attention if you experience symptoms like rash, itching, swelling (especially of the face/tongue/throat), severe dizziness, or trouble breathing.

Should I follow any special dietary instructions while using this medication?

There are typically no dietary restrictions while using Hydrocortisone Acetate Vaginal Suppositories, but it's always important to follow any instructions provided by your healthcare provider regarding diet or any lifestyle guidelines to support treatment.

Can Hydrocortisone Acetate Vaginal Suppositories be used during pregnancy?

Consult with your healthcare provider before using Hydrocortisone Acetate Vaginal Suppositories during pregnancy. They will evaluate the potential benefits and risks before making a recommendation based on your specific condition.

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Formulas and/or material listed are not to be interpreted as a promise, guarantee or claim of therapeutic efficacy or safety. The information contained herein is not intended to replace or substitute for conventional medical care, or encourage its abandonment. Every patient is unique, and formulas should be adjusted to meet their individual needs.
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